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Re: do you smoke cannabis?
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grufty jim wrote:
pooley wrote:
Fair enough. But the message should now be, if you are not sure where it comes from - dont smoke it

Do you apply that same standard to everything you buy at the grocery store? At the clothes store? Do you own a mobile phone (and do you know where the coltan it contains was sourced)? How about your TV and the components that make up the computer you are using?

Modern market capitalism makes slave owners of us all.

(EDIT: including me... not levelling an accusation, just pointing out that singling out cannabis is a little simplistic)

No. But I have never claimed to be any good at this.

With all the posturing that people do - you included - on this site, i thought that you would be outraged that people are used in this way to bring you a simple pleasure.

I assumed, that you would be s vocal calling for this to end as you would be nike sweat shops etc.

Seems that if it is something you enjoy, it is somehow less wrong. Interesting that

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Posted by pooley
19th August 2010ce

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Re: do you smoke cannabis? (grufty jim)

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Re: do you smoke cannabis? (handofdave)
Re: do you smoke cannabis? (grufty jim)

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