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Re: I'm sorry
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No, just my frustration at the deliberate mis-information being posted.
OK, it clearly has been mis-used by some MP's of all parties, but the 2nd home allowance, is intended to allow MPs to claim reimbursements for costs for a 2nd home which are "wholly, exclusively and necessarily incurred from the purpose of performing their Parliamentary duties".
Clearly some people posting on this board feel that an MP can commute to London every day...irrespective of hours worked in the House...availability of public transport etc. There are others who feel that a set of dormatories would work best. Yet others consider B&B or hotel rooms would work best....etc etc.
Personally, I dont have a problem with the 2nd home idea, so long as MP's cannot profit from this allowance. This is a sensible way of allowing a family to spend time together, while the MP can still maximise their availability to both the constituency and Westminster.

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Posted by geoffrey_prime
19th May 2009ce

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Re: I'm sorry (nigelswift)

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Re: I'm sorry (nigelswift)

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