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Re: I'm sorry
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67 Shelby Mustang wrote:
what made me laugh the most was Cameron standing there having a right old pop at Brown and the labour party only to have it revealed two days later that his party are as bad if not worse.

i fucking hate tories

It's the same over here. The Republicans are making big stinks about Obama's budget, even tho they spent eight years with the entire Federal government to themselves, and turned a surplus into a record deficit.

I've been having a brawl online with a few right wing sympathizers who think corporations are beyond reproach, and government is evil. I had to remind them that it's all the same fucking thing... corporations control most of what happens in Washington, regardless of which party is in office.

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Posted by handofdave
17th May 2009ce

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Re: I'm sorry (67 Shelby Mustang)

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Re: I'm sorry (67 Shelby Mustang)

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