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Re: I'm sorry
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I'm confused as to why they have to 'own' a second home anyway, that allows you the chance to make money out of it.
Surely it'd be a bit fairer if these were theirs for the duration of yer employment, a bit like a company car, the state being 'the company' you work for.
FWIW Cameron is being so transparently desparate in all this.
He always goes on about Brown not knowing what his party are up to yet seems to think it's okay to say he had no idea about his lot either.
Lying c*nt.
But the main point is always some bubble's burst, sort of.

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Posted by sanshee
13th May 2009ce

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I'm sorry (Penske666)

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Re: I'm sorry (mojojojo)
Re: I'm sorry (geoffrey_prime)

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