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Devil's Quoits
Re: What joy!
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I had a problem over the weekend which meant that I had to miss Megalithomania or the Quoits` trip.
There were many people that I was hoping to meet at Conway Hall, but I just couldn`t miss a rare opportunity to return to the Devil`s Quoits site.

Thanks, RG, for organizing the trip, and Jane for the warm hospitality.

I can`t see how it`s possible to know the original height of the bank, unless the original width is known and the height is extrapolated from that.

I`m still puzzled by the large berm between the ditch and bank.

Next year, the stones are replaced.

And they want some volunteers to help!!


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Posted by baza
14th October 2002ce

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Re: What joy! (juamei)

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