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Re: The moon and the sun
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<Athgreany is one of the places I was thinking about going to on Sunday to check out 'the big lunar thingy'. It should be very close to being diametrically opposite the sunset on Sunday night I think.

Interesting that it's rising over Church Mountain around now. I would have thought it would have been further east. I always lose my bearings at Athgreany!>

May be there Sunday meself Tom, marmite and insect repellent in hand. :-)

I know of the moon skim at Callanish from the book but if you have time can you expand on 'the big lunar thingy'.

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Posted by ryaner
9th June 2006ce

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Re: The moon and the sun (FourWinds)

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Re: The moon and the sun (FourWinds)

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