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Re: mike croley: "the voice"
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This is a review of the book on Amazon:

"Other reviews convey the sense of astonishment I felt when I first read this book. It really is shattering and can change the whole way you look at life, history and Christianity. However, to me the book has a fatal flaw. Each step in their argument (from modern freemasonry back to the king-making ceremonies of Ancient Egypt) seems reasonable in itself, but there is a lack of hard evidence to link the whole series of suppositions into a convincing theory. What is stated as a possible or even likely supposition on one page becomes an undisputed fact on the next, and stages of the argument are built up in this way. This is not good scholarship, even if it makes a very readable and exciting book. All the way through reading it, I wanted to shout "how do you know that?" or "prove it!" I think there is a lot of truth in what the authors say, and I think they have stumbled on a very interesting line of enquiry, but I am not yet 100% convinced. Having said all that, it's still a fantastic book that will change your life, and I recommend it to every thinking person. Freemasons especially will find the book of interest, as Grand Lodge seems to discourage this kind of research for people genuinely interested in the history of the Craft."

I've not read this book myself, but I managed to get half way through Uriels Machine, by the same authors, before I lost patience with it.
This reviewer is correct in many of the comments. I really don't consider them good scholars at all. They make grandious claims and back them up with no evidence at all. They supply conjecture and expect the reader to accept it all as truth, where it's all really just speculation. When reading Uriel's Machine the authors seemed to change their whole viewpoint and contradict everything that they'd said in the first few chapters.

Sorry can't remember what the book was actually about. It wasn't exactly a great read!

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Posted by sttomas
8th October 2005ce

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Re: mike croley: "the voice" (grimo)

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