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Re: mike croley
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"I believe that my DNA was triggered by the shift in frequency as the eclipse occured allowing the energy to flow freely through me. The same happened a week later but lasted only a few minutes."

You could also have had a "Kundalini Moment" by the way you were breathing, the way you were sat, the emotion of seeing what you were seeing whilst in a group of people, a charge of sexual energy, laughing. There would be an energy force but I don't it would be enough to do anything to your DNA!!! I've been doing Kundalini Yoga (very very intense yoga) for a while now and you do get a rush from it, you can get visuals from it but even my teacher who has been doing it for years has never experienced a shift in her DNA!!!! I think maybe you should take up Kundalini Yoga get yourself re-aligned a little bit!!

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Posted by Nat
6th October 2005ce

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Re: mike croley (mike croley)

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