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"Frankly I detect it in your writings . . . you talk about "nature" as if it wasn't real.) "

That's floored me. Since I was a boy, I have always been amazed that there is actually a 'word' for nature. As I stated in my post above, there *isn't* anything else. I can see how it's easy to confuse my anger at humankind destroying itself and this world because it thinks it 'better' than 'nature', but the dichotomy is that one has to view 'nature' as an 'outside' force in order to cross that line. Depends I suppose whether you call the 'Universe' nature or call the Earth and it's ecology 'nature'. Or do you think that 'Nature' is somehow a huge blameless process of progression (I can't understand the concept of linear progress it seems like a lie when we could all die tomorrow, yet in the Bronze Age people could live for umpteen generations without war and their time was so free it would feel like living 5 lives on our schedule, that's not to say one is better than the other, just how do you measure quality of life without being resorting to pure subjectivity, denying the voice of the other?)

If 'nature' is a blameless process of evolution, then everything we do as individuals must be ok?

All is permitted, but all is not wise.

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Posted by morfe
22nd September 2003ce

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Re: Progress is the problem! (Dog 3000)

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Re: Philosophicus (Dog 3000)
Re: Philosophicus (Lawrence)

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