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Re: o bugger, another final point
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i refer the honourable gentleman to the answer i gave above - almost directly preceeding the bit you quote n fact -

"in a society where the majority of the population (what might be called the working-class) are actually in control for the first time we can produce things based on self-identified NEED. We have the materials and technology today to provide everyone in this country with a decent education, home, health, basic security. On a world scale there is much more than enough food to feed the planet, wealth redistribution would save millions of lives a year, the wiping out of appaling, but SIMPLE, diseases like measles are very very easilly achievable. "

Me, i'm a libertarian socialist, and i think there are a shitload of peole who want to change the system - look at the numbers outside dsei or cancun tonight, just for starrters.

I think i (at least try to) fill out some of the what you replace it with bits in other posts.

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Posted by necropolist
11th September 2003ce

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Re: o bugger, another final point (morfe lux)

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