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Re: Technology!
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I used to live in a vilage with 16 houses. We had about a mile square of land, on plots. Everybody worked, but the when we had a power cut, everyone would chip in and help. When we had a large harvesy in the allotments, everyone would profit. Harvest festival kept us in veg for months. The man don the road kept sheep, in a paddock. more than enough for the population of about 100 people. he main reason people worked wa to pay rent to landlords, and for entertainmnet/transport. What I'm saying is that profiteers use the 'it's human nature to not co-operate' argument, whilst simultaneously strengthening a cult of 'individualism' (materialism) which takes normal human selfishness and amplifies it to the nth degree, literally training people from birth to be suspicious of anything that doesn't have a dollar sign attached to it.

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Posted by morfe lux
10th September 2003ce

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Re: Technology! (Dog 3000)

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Re: Technology! (Dog 3000)

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