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Re: A world without "money"
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Going back a 1000 years would mean every one farming their own food on a plot of land and giving over part of it to their feudal lord.

Modern agricultural means that a few people can produce food for thousands. As I said earlier farmers are payed not to produce and to destroy produce, I don't see how feeding the planet would require far greater amounts of people involved in food production than at the moment. Also better farming equipment & methods can be supplied to people in countries who don't really have anything better to do than to starve to death at the moment, let alone log on the net. Surely many people can still build computers and keep the internet running.

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Posted by MonkeyBoy
9th September 2003ce

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Re: A world without "money" (Dog 3000)

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Re: A world without "money" (Dog 3000)

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