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Re: US Presidency
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tjj wrote:
phallus dei wrote:
It is of course tragic that an unarmed woman was shot, and that she's now being slandered as a "domestic terrorist."

Yes, collateral damage, it was bizarre to watch on live news in the UK. I wonder if the woman will ever be named. And the three people who died in 'medical emergencies'. President Trump made his statement condemning the protestors with the air of someone who has a gun pointed at him.
He knows now he has lost every which way - my biggest objection to him was that he is a white supremacist. Unlike many presidents before him, he didn't start a war to the best of my knowledge.

She has been named as Ashli Babbitt, ex-services, Q-Anon fanatic who thought the attack was Q's prophesised 'The Storm'. Sure, she was innocent, having had her brain warped by ridiculous 4chan conspiracy theories. And yeah, Trump didn't actively 'start' any foreign wars, but he sure as hell tried to start one in his own country. And not for the right reasons. I'm not confident that Biden will be an effective catalyst for healing and progress, but I can't imagine he could do as much damage as the solipsistic, damaged child Trump did.

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Posted by Andfurthermoreagain
8th January 2021ce

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Re: US Presidency (tjj)

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Re: US Presidency (lawrence2)

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