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Re: I'm so confused.....
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When the lives of your own are sacrificed to Allah in a suicide bombing or they are beheaded or your children are taken by force and raped will any of you change your mind about Islam? It can and sadly likely will happen to some of us during our lifetimes if we don't stop this madness from continuing. Ask the parents of the slain in Paris if their children deserved to die or if it was justice for them to be killed so brutally. The question isn't if Islamic terrorists will kill masses again it's where and when will they attack again and what must we do to stop them....these cowards, people who want nothing more than to end our way of life need to be taken to task.

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Posted by billding68
15th November 2015ce

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Re: I'm so confused..... (Captain Starlet)

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Re: I'm so confused..... (Captain Starlet)
Re: I'm so confused..... (Lump Of Green Slime)

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