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Re: Public Sector Workers - Reality Check
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For the hard of thinking, here is how I see the problem.

Merrick suggests that all police are inherently bad. Oh, they may rescue the odd kitty cat but deep down they would much rather be bashing some poor innocent protesters head instead.

Merrick and others refuse to believe that the vast majority of coppers are good honest decent folk who do a fucking difficult job. A job that I don't think any of us could do.

This dual role bollocks is fairly insulting. The whole "the good doesn't make up for bashing protesters" nonsense again suggests that all coppers do this. And that they are somehow just doing the good stuff to build up trust so that they can follow an evil agenda. Ridiculous.

Merrick an others also refuse to believe that some protesters are idiots and attend just for a fight or to cause trouble. Brilliantly someone said that this type of protester does not exist, and anyway real protesters keep away from them!!! Which is it....?

I have seen protesters do terrible things. Including getting innocent protesters caught up in violence so that theta get injured and can then complain. Cowardly an wrong

I believe merrick is a decent person. I have said this many many times. I admire his passion and determination. I think he can be somewhat misguided and more than a little blinkered.

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Posted by pooley
10th July 2010ce

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