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Re: I'm sorry
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geoffrey_prime wrote:
Should millionaires be asked to work for free? or work expense-free?Perhaps we should try an recruit more and more millionaires into public service, working for free, to help us get public sector spending back under control.

Sorry if people seem a bit irrational on the subject of MPs expenses Geoffrey. Maybe they've got too sensitive lately.

They are so silly. It isn't as if an MP, knighted by her most gracious majesty and Chair and Director of banking, oil, hotels, textiles, pharmaceuticals and venture capital companies has just been exposed as having claimed and received £1,650 to buy a floating island for his fecking ducks!

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Posted by nigelswift
21st May 2009ce

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Re: I'm sorry (geoffrey_prime)

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Re: I'm sorry (geoffrey_prime)

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