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Re: our racist prince
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stray wrote:
pooley wrote:

You aint doing much to disabuse my opinions of you. Quick to anger when someone disagrees with you aint you? As you say, this is the internet and doesn't matter. so don't reply, try using these pathetic bullying tactics on someone that will five a flying fuck about them.
Learn to read? thanks, i'll try. Make sense out of your rant - it'll never happen.
Look, I don't want to argue on here, I want to discuss. I don't think you do. I regret replying to your post, I could tell before I did it that I wouldn't get anywhere and that you had a closed mind.

No hard feelings. see you around--------

I'm not angry. As others who know me will testify, you'll know if I'm angry, its a rare thing online. I do pretend to be angry a lot though. these posts weren't meant to be read like I was angry btw. You weren't even disagreeing with me, you just completely misinterpreted me.

However, ^ This paragraph here, I mean this post, what is it ? Bullying... erm where ? Or do you mean this post you just made, (as in you're talking about yourself attempting to bully me) as it sounds a lot like passive aggressive bulllying to me.

You've just said you intend to make no effort to understand my 'rant' (it isnt a rant btw). Then you say you want to discuss not argue ? Are you suffering from cognitive dissonance perhaps ?

Closed mind ? moi ? Please quote and explain where that accusation comes from in our short discourse, which yeah I know apparently isnt a discourse to you but bullying. *rolls eyes*. You see the difference between this post and yours is I'm making an attempt to understand what the fuck you're talking about, although your lack of consistency and aimless railing against me kind of shows I'm wasting my time. Right ?

You see I can post the same kind of silliness you did. Please take the time to deconstruct this post rationally and see it from a logical perspective.

Happy to help.

Actually just to make you happier. I'll behave the way you expect me to. I'd like to say that seriously, you are one dumb fuck. Thats name calling.

Did you see what I did there ?

Yes, I saw exactly what you did there. Confirmed my every fear about what type of person you (or your online persona!!! hilarious) is.
I did say I don't want to argue, and that i wanted to discuss. I do, just not with you.

Oh, and the passive aggresive thing? again, hilarious. I have not bullied online or otherwise. Try again
learn to read - i did ask you not to respond - lets just leave it.
have a happy day

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Posted by pooley
20th January 2009ce

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Re: our racist prince (stray)

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Re: our racist prince (stray)

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