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Re: Dentistry - I ain't joking!
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Hmmm, it's a hard one, funnily enough I've got to see the dentist next week as have jaw-death-pain from hell. What a healthy bunch of crusties we are!

dunno if they ship to uk/stock here, but worth checking?

I use Kingfisher fennel paste, but whilst on elimination diet had to use baking powder (exsqueeze me?) argh!) as couldn't let cornstarch pass lips. Hey, why not mix up fennell, baking powder and some other fab goo with some spit, and brush it on with a wooden toothbrush wot you have mad your self with badger bristles?

Seriously, I can't find biodegradeable toothbrush yet, but here's one with replaceable heads..

Wrigleys have recipe for biodegradeable gum too, although I haven't heard any release dates in UK as yet, think there's a campaign for it.

Good luck AO


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Posted by morfe
17th October 2001ce

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Dentistry - I ain't joking! (AgentOrange)

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