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Re: the 'it' in bullshit
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Apologies Duckbreath, it was a (probably) crap reference to the aforementioned memes and labels, hence i applied 'it' to the general present state of Capitalism and exploitation in general. Money talks and bullshit talks. Allegedly. The 'it' in Bullsh*it* is just that. I like to know what is being walked and talked, it becomes obsessive when I know we live in a culture grounded largely in lies of varying size and effect.

(Shoots self in head and foot after failing miserably for the second time to be concise)

On a lighter note, anyone see that part in Spinal Tap movie when their manager hears that old "Money talks and bullshit walks" statement? His double take and total confusion is the best!

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Posted by morfe
23rd September 2003ce

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Re: the 'it' in bullshit (duckbreath)

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Re: the 'it' in bullshit (Lawrence)

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