
Image of Lagatjar (Stone Row / Alignment) by Kammer

Taken Summer 1996: When we visited it was foggy,and the stones felt very familiar compared to the sun drenched megaliths of southern Brittany.

Image credit: Simon Marshall



Here 84 bright white quartzy stones of varying shapes are lined up on their parade ground, a sandy heath by the sea. The tallest is 2.5ms, but on average about they're about 1.8ms. The principal alignment is about 200ms long running NE to SW and has two shorter rows running away from it to the west. It feels incomplete (was this once a quadrilateral? Did the lines run further – I bet they did) but no less beautiful or impressive for that.

They don't overwhelm the visitor like the squillions of stones Carnac, instead they invite you to almost be part of them, to line up with them and join in the fun.. The whole shebang is on a human scale and had an ambience of Callanish about it. And with the bright sunshine casting long shadows on the dewy grass it felt very like this monument was something to do with telling the time, the seasons and calendars.

They are worth the trip out as far west as this. Absolute magic.

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Sites within 20km of Lagatjar