
Image of Cloghmore (Court Tomb) by ryaner

Another anomalous stone at the back of the tomb.

Image credit: ryaner
Image of Cloghmore (Court Tomb) by ryaner

Said to be the backstone of a single- or double-chambered gallery.

Image credit: ryaner
Image of Cloghmore (Court Tomb) by ryaner

The remains are split by a fence. Possible capstone over a subsidiary chamber.

Image credit: ryaner



Having been spoiled earlier in the day with some almost intact tombs, this was a bit of a let-down, especially when it has its own name marked on most maps instead of the usual ‘chambered grave’.

It’s about 15 metres above the road and visible from the field gate. Most of the stones are low lying, except the one in the adjoining field, but that may not be part of the tomb.

The remains of a court are to the east, with a fine backstone to the west delineating the extent of its footprint. Very little of the chamber/s still exists. However, there are stones further to the west in the adjoining field that may have been part of the original tomb or may have been extensions. One in particular seem to be the capstone of a cist, or could be a displaced roofstone.

Another one for the completists unless you are driving and have time to spare.

Sites within 20km of Cloghmore