

Sands Wood
Round Barrow(s)

Drive by 30.7.17

I didn’t have time for a proper visit so was hoping to spot the barrow via a ‘drive by’. Unfortunately the wood is quite dense with plenty of vegetation so I failed to spot it. Nice spot though for someone to have a proper look.


Sands Wood
Round Barrow(s)

Details of barrow on Pastscape

The earthwork remains of a bowl barrow, located in the southern corner of Sands Wood. The barrow is sited on the north side of a ridge on gently sloping ground. It survives as a well rounded mound 20 metres in diameter and 1.5 metres high, surrounded by the slight impression of a broad and largely infilled ditch. The berm between the outer edge of the cenral mound and the inner lip of the encircling ditch is gently sloping, but obviously not as steep as the sides of the central mound, and is slightly elongated north to south. The form of the berm is considered to be the result of weathering of the mound and ditch sides. The mound, ditch and encircling berm together comprise an area of roughly 30 metres in diameter. Scheduled.


Sands Wood
Round Barrow(s)

This round barrow is not far from the Rudston monolith and looks down to the north towards the Gypsey Race (well, it could do. But now it’s in a wood). MAGIC scheduled monument info says it is well preserved and stands c 1.5m high, 20m in diameter. It’s apparently quite unusual, the mound being separated from its ditch by a berm – rather like the saucer barrows in Wessex.

Sites within 20km of Sands Wood