
Rudston A and B
Long Barrow

Details of long barrow A on Pastscape

Approximate site of two long barrows, one with a possible round barrow at the western end, recorded by Greenwell circa 1870 (see TA 16 NW 70 for the second barrow). The principle mound was aligned east-west, with either of the two extremities being of a greater elevation than the middle part. The mound was 137 ft long with a mean breadth of 40ft, the west end was 4.5ft high and the east 5ft. The long barrow contined numerous animal bones, flint chippings, charcoal and sherds of plain, dark-coloured pottery throughout the whole of its length but pricipally at the level of the old ground surface. At the west end and below the centre of the round barow was the body of a young adult women. The inhumation was 2ft above the level of the natural surface and just in front of the right tibia was a “drinking cup”. At a level 6” higher (the head lying above the womans knees) were the remains of a child aged about 8 or 9. Immediately above the head was a flint knife 1.75” long. Underneath the woman, at the level of the natural surface, was a wooden beam which covered a grave which was 7ft long, 4.5ft wide and 2ft deep. This grave contained the body of an adult of uncertain sex, behind the head was a “drinking cup” , three flint scrapers and some chippings were also found in the grave. Just beyond the feet of this inhumation were the remains of a young woman which had been distrubed and relaid. They had been placed in a heap with the skull on top of the other bones. The mound also contained the remains of a male of large stature, a child and a single piece of burnt bone.

Details of long barrow B on Pastscape

The approximate site of the second of two long barrows recorded by Greenwell circa 1870 (see TA 16 NW 4 for further details). The mound was 190ft long by 50ft wide and 4ft high. No burials were found when the barrow was excavated, although flint chippings, charcoal and fragments of pottery occured in several places.