
Image of Kilmackowen (Wedge Tomb) by tjj

I believe this large but thin standing is a marker for the wedge tomb as there is a curved stone row leading from it to the tomb.

Image credit: tjj
Image of Kilmackowen (Wedge Tomb) by Nucleus

Looking north to Kilmackowen Standing Stone

Image credit: Uwe Häberle 05/2009



This site blew me away, totally unexpected. The credit for finding it goes completely to my companion who is a bit of an OS map devotee. On the other side of Eagle Hill, still with sea views – the path leads first to a large thin standing stone about three fields from the narrow road where we left my friend’s car. Some barbed wire needed to be negotiated as we couldn’t get the gate open (tightly tied up). This site was not signposted so I am guessing we were trespassing.

The wedge tomb is tucked away in the top right hand corner of the field adjacent to the standing stone. It was a perfect small wedge tomb, similar in size to the Cloontreem tomb though in considerably better condition. There seemed to be cup marks on the inside wall of one of the upright stones. A curved row of stones drops down from the tomb towards the standing stone a field away. I had a distinct feeling that tomb and the standing stone were linked together as one site.

Sites within 20km of Kilmackowen