

Bennybeg Cursus

“A cropmark revealed pit-enclosure and pit-alignments lye approximately 250m to the SW of Findal Cottages. The pit-enclosure consists of two lines of pits (about 30-35m apart) running NNE – SSW for a distance of approximately 110m. The pits converge slightly at the SSW end and unite in a squared terminal. The NNE end also terminates in a squared traverse but has two ‘horns’ protruding out, the W ‘horn’ continuing the line of pits for a further 20m to the NNE and the E ‘horn’ veering off for 25m to the NE. There are pit-alignments nearby and a pit-circle (NN81NE 45).
Information from RCAHMS (RHM) 12 April 1994.

Cropmarks on oblique aerial photographs (RCAHMSAP 1986; CUCAP no date) have revealed a pit-defined cursus lying across the crest of a low, flat-topped ridge to the ENE of Bennybeg Craig. The cursus (EARNAP 77) comprises a subrectangular enclosure, measuring about 110m from NNE to SSW by about 35m across. Two ‘horns’ extend from the northern corners, each measuring about 22m in length and set at a slight angle to the rest of the monument. Set centrally outside the SSW end of the cursus there is a large pit. To the E of the cursus there is an alignment of at least six pits aligned from NW to SE. To the NW of the cursus there is an oval macula of unknown function (EARNAP 78). A pit-circle lying along the ridge to the E of the cursus is described elsewhere (NN 81NE 45).”

From RCAHMS – Canmore

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