Details of site on Pastscape
Remains of a late Neolithic or early Bronze Age round barrow or possibly a Roman barrow. It is said to be the spot where King Charles I stood when he harangued the troops he brought out of Shropshire at the beginning of the Civil War. The barrow is up to 1.25m high and 20m across. Scheduled.
[SP 0804 9560 ] King’s Standing [G.T.]
” ... King’s Standing, a little artificial mount where Charles I is said to have stood when he harangued the troops he brought out of Shropshire at the beginning of the civil war.”
Duignan quotes Shaw (2) and other authors (a & b) regarding the use of King’s Standing by King Charles in 1642 and concludes, “It is doubtless a prehistoric tumulus, though it may have been used by Charles. The mound is about twenty feet in diameter and five feet high in the middle, and is enclosed with iron hurdles and planted with young trees.”
” ... the Tumulus of King’s Standing seems to have been a roadside tomb, for the labourers obtained a considerable treasure of silver chains, etc., when the wood was cleared ... I am told that the Tumulus was destroyed in ignorance by a new tenant in clearing the ground and the present landmark was thrown up and enclosed by him when his neighbours told of King Charles I’s review of troops there.
‘The King’s Standing’, Mound – Scheduled as an Ancient Monument under ‘Burial Mounds’.
King’s Standing consists of a very mutilated mound, the surface area of which is wooded and grass covered. It has a maximum height of 1.2 metres and a diameter averaging 16.0 metres. There are no traces of a surrounding ditch. A wooden pallisade encloses the site which is at the highest point of a hill.
The mound has been surveyed on 25” AM. No change.
King’s Standing, a mound, at the side of Ryknield Street, which has given its name to this district of Birmingham.
It is situated upon relatively high ground which falls away gently to the north and more steeply to the south, towards Birmingham. The feature has been lately remodelled and turfed over by the council and the surrounding fence removed. Four young treees grow upon the mound. It now has a diameter of 20.0m and a maximum height of 0.8m.
In its present restored condition, it is no longer possible to ascertain whether the mound represents the remains of a tumulus (Roman or Bronze Age) or whether it is a modern feature as inferred by Benton.(4)
Published 1:1250 survey, 1962,correct.
Noted in list of possible barrows of the late Neolithic/early Bronze Age. (9)