
Image of Bourne Wood Barrow (Round Barrow) by pure joy

Bourne Wood Barrow – 31.5.2003 – looking at the top of the barrow which has been heavily dug into

Image credit: Martin Bull


Bourne Wood Barrow

Bourne Wood Barrow – 31.5.2003

A lone barrow lies in Bourne Wood, which is part of the Foresty Commisssion’s ‘Alice Holt Forest’, just off a minor which runs from Farnham Train station to Tilford.

There are many ways into the wood but a simple one is to turn off the main road at the north east cornetr of the wood, into ‘Dene Lane’. There’s no official parking place but the lane is wide enough at this point to park., whereas it’s much narrower further down. Walk 150m down the lane, where multi-million pound houses doeminate the north side, and a small footpath starts at a wooden railing thingy and takes you up into the wood. After about 200m take the first footpath to the right (opposite the rear of Lobswood Manor) and about 150m further on the barrow lies on the right of the track. Or, I presume it does! A soory looking mound definitely stands out a little at this point and has a severely dug into top – the most dug into I have ever seen. The land confusingly drops significantly away to the north side; but it still looks like a barrow….just.

Sites within 20km of Bourne Wood Barrow