The massive inner rampart from the outer, southern arc... during an absolutely torrential downpour, by the way.
The massive inner rampart from the outer, southern arc... during an absolutely torrential downpour, by the way.
Aldershot South (Army) Camp can be seen upon the skyline.
To south-east... lovely open ramparts. A complete contrast.
Yeah, immense. I feel quite insignificant.
Come with me, into the trees... immense inner rampart, approx southern-flank
‘The Mothership was here; I thought my goose was cooked....’ Oh, hang on. It a reservoir. With a hat. To approx north-west.
Worthy of much more than a vain, ridiculous little Caesar!
Seriously impressive ramparts to the south-west. Completely overgrown.
There’s a natural spring below to the north-east.... but this water fell from the sky, not rising from the ground itself...
The very powerful inner rampart, south-eastern flank. The striking heather easily out performs the bland sky....
The enclosure is impressively multi-vallate to the south-east. Nature makes sure it’s a colourful spectacle, too.
Eastern flank, looking approx south(ish)
No need for a ditch.... looking approx north along the eastern-most flank.
Approaching the site from the approx north-east.... the natural defences are formidable.
Caesar’s Camp Hill Fort, near Farnham – 31.5.2003 – Looking at the inner ramparts, on the south west side
Easier Access
Since it was showing a glimmering of Spring we decided to set out for this hillfort. Having read the notes about access we opted to try from the South. Parking in the street at Upper Hale we walked onto the common and across a sandpit. We started seeing the “Water Catchment Area” signs once we had crossed the sandpit but they applied to an area of woodland that is on three sides of the hillfort so you can walk up to and around the fort without crossing into the signed area.
It was good to visit on such a clear day, wonderful views from the top and it’s great when a site is actually recognisable from descriptions like the scheduled monument record. The drop on the North is particularly impressive.
Caesar’s Camp Hill Fort – 31.5.2003
Caesar’s Camp is a fantastic Iron Age hill fort with stunning views all around, but I’m not convinced about access to it. “Access prohibited – Water Catchment Area” signs are dotted everywhere to the West and North; presumably due to the reservoirs to the West, and the general proximity to the heavily militarised area of Aldershot and Farnborough. However, I saw several people in the area, most at the summit of the fort, so either there is some permitted access somewhere (maybe from the South?) or maybe we were all just ignoring the signs!
After approaching from the west (‘accidentally’ ignoring the signs) and leaving via the north, I’d say that the simplest way to get to the fort without going beyond too many signs is to park at the large but rough car park at SU831510. Apart from here, there is supposed to be no parking just off the main road – there are lots of forest tracks/roads but all say ‘No Parking’ and other various warnings. From here, walk South East through the woods staying just north of the road, and then cross the road somewhere around SU836807. In this area several paths lead to towards the hill fort, which is clearly visible due south.
The hill fort itself is excellent, especially its large and doubled ramparts on the south side. It must have been a brilliant site; a hill with steep sides for defence but a huge flat interior, about 500m across its longest parts. The Surrey / Hampshire border cuts right through the fort. The view stretches for miles across the forest all over the north and west, cut only by the Farnborough Airfield site to the north east, and Tweseldown Race Course to the north west. The space age reservoir cover (?) can be seen from the north side, like a mini Eden Project dome.
Above Aldershot is a hill called Caesar’s Hill. On May 2nd, 1889, I was told that Julius Caesar, from that hill, witnessed a review of his army.
Scraps of Folklore Collected by John Philipps Emslie.
C. S. Burne, in Folklore, Vol. 26, No. 2. (Jun. 30, 1915), pp. 153-170.
Bwakem’s comment above: humourous or confused? Surely local people couldn’t have got confused so recently to the event? Or perhaps Mr Emslie just wasn’t listening properly to his informant. Perhaps it’s the latter.
The Hampshire County Council website and the Rushmoor Borough Council website say that it is a Scheduled Ancient Monument (number 20185) – a large multivallate hillfort and later park pale at Caesar’s Camp – grid reference SU 8355 5006. Jubilee Clump is a Stone Age (mesolithic) area of the interior of Caesar’s Camp. Finds include cores, microliths and two tranchet axes. SU 837 502.
Extract from English Heritage’s record of scheduled monuments, via the MAGIC site.
N.B. This is a PDF document.