
Image of Crug Melyn (Round Cairn) by GLADMAN

At least someone had the sense to stick the power post BESIDE the cairn....

Image credit: Robert Gladstone
Image of Crug Melyn (Round Cairn) by GLADMAN

Far more substantial than I had anticipated

Image credit: Robert Gladstone
Image of Crug Melyn (Round Cairn) by GLADMAN

Looking approx west across the common... and numerous further cairns within this cemetery.

Image credit: Robert Gladstone


Easily by-passed. I’d recommend that, given the opportunity, members tarry awhile...


Crug Melyn
Round Cairn

Less than a mile to the west of the suspect charms of Llech Ciste (which I consequently forgo), what I envisaged as being a minor group of barrow/cairns... in very short order became a fine Bronze Age cemetery worth a considerable journey.

To be fair, owners of the 1:25k map will note that three of the linear alignment of monuments are named... so perhaps I shouldn’t have been so surprised, but there you are. This, the ‘Yellow Cairn’ crowning 1,070ft Pen-crug-melyn at the eastern extremity, is pleasingly bathed in an orangey/yellow(ish) glow as the sun briefly reasserts its dominance following a couple of hours of intense downpour. So, needless to say, the locals know where they’re at. As usual.

Speaking of which, I encounter the farmer in his Land Rover and he beams a smile as bright as that fiery nuclear globe while confirming I’m OK with my parking arrangements. No problem at all, so please don’t take the piss and block his gates should you approach from the south.

Coflein doesn’t say much (if 14m also means nothing to you, that’s c46ft in proper terms):

“A disturbed cairn, 14m in diameter and 1.3m high.
[J.Wiles 20.02.02]”

Sites within 20km of Crug Melyn