This, marked as ‘Tumulus’ upon 1:25k OS mapping (presumably owing to the grassy mantle obscuring any expected cairn attributes), stands between Crug Canol and Crug Bach (SN49632863), the latter located near the entrance gate to Mynydd Bach Common and quite hard to distinguish amongst vegetation. There are apparently other monuments nearby I wasn’t able to discern with any certainty.
Although lacking the profile of the two great eastern cairns, this is nevertheless a substantial monument worth lingering at for a while, measuring approx 65ft across and 3ft in height.
Coflein reckons:
“SN49632863, reported as mutilated, c.13m in diameter and 0.9m high, with the eatern of the two.. at SN49882864, being 20m in diameter and 0.9m high. [J.Wiles 19.02.02]”