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Crug Siarls

Stone Circle

<b>Crug Siarls</b>Posted by GLADMANImage © Robert Gladstone
Nearest Town:Lampeter (12km WSW)
OS Ref (GB):   SN69954830 / Sheet: 146
Latitude:52° 7' 2.14" N
Longitude:   3° 53' 58.6" W

Added by GLADMAN

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<b>Crug Siarls</b>Posted by GLADMAN <b>Crug Siarls</b>Posted by GLADMAN <b>Crug Siarls</b>Posted by GLADMAN <b>Crug Siarls</b>Posted by GLADMAN <b>Crug Siarls</b>Posted by GLADMAN <b>Crug Siarls</b>Posted by GLADMAN <b>Crug Siarls</b>Posted by GLADMAN <b>Crug Siarls</b>Posted by GLADMAN


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Out of range when gazing across from Carn Wen a couple of years back now, last year's visit to the wondrous 'circle upon Bryn y Gorlan made this a must-see this time around. Well, I ain't getting any younger - and these Mid Walian sites really do take some attitude to reach for the not-so-young. Tell me about it.

OK, the initial ascent from the road head at Allt Ty-Llwyd to the south may be upon a firm-then-grassy track... but then the map depicts Cors y Crug between said track and Crug Siarls itself. Yeah, consider: when the OS see fit to name a bog it is usually with bloody good reason! As it is, a lack of recent rainfall, corresponding to perceived conditions underfoot, tempts me to cut the corner of my intended wide swing around to the north. Sure enough, the bog isn't much in evidence... but the industrial strength Mid Walian 'tufty' grass very, very much is. Floundering in the heat compounded by extreme exertion, I'm cursing my poor judgement at being suckered in like a muppet tourist, when I suddenly strike a quad bike track doubling back to cross the hill's south-western flank. That'll do. My intention all along, naturally.

Ascending to the summit, I'm still none the wiser regarding the position of this elusive stone circle even when accorded the aerial viewpoint. Suffice to say, the ring sits upon the lower western flank alongside an associated small(ish) cairn. Look for a wooden post immediately to the left (south-ish) for your cue. Should you choose to come, of course.

Coflein reckons the monument is definitely a stone circle:

"A small stone circle, consisting of 14 stones, the largest of which is 0.50 metres square, and positioned on its southern side. All the stones are set upright into the ground. Much of the site is obscured by reed growth." [R.P. Sambrook, Trysor, 20 March 2012]

The eastern arc is heavily overgrown with the aforementioned reeds, but, crucially, remains in situ. The orthostats are also pretty large for a Mid Walian 'circle. Yeah, so here we have a relatively intact stone circle with a vibe so intense as to sink a thousand punters within its protective bog. Truly, a classic location. Just refrain from cutting any corners if it has been raining, you hear?
26th June 2023ce
Edited 26th June 2023ce


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Crug Siarls stone circle

Not marked upon the map... and all the better for it
8th July 2023ce