
Image of Stellhead S (Cairn(s)) by markj99

Stellhead S Cairn viewed from N (Yardstick for Scale).

Image credit: Mark Johnstone
Image of Stellhead S (Cairn(s)) by markj99

Scattered Stones on W Arc of Stellhead S Cairn.

Image credit: Mark Johnstone


Stellhead S

Visited 29.09.22

Stellhead S Cairn is a round cairn c. 7.5 miles NNE of St Johnn’s Town of Dalry. It measures c. 12 yards in diameter and 2 feet high. There is a 3 feet high Modern Cairn on the S Arc of the cairn. I found 2 possible displaced Kerb stones outside the E and S Arcs respectively. Medium & small stones are scattered on the surface of Stellhead S Cairn with the exception of the W quadrant which is covered in reeds. Stellhead N Cairn is c. 130 yards N of this cairn. Stellhead Cairns are listed as Canmore ID 64330 (go to Links).

Sites within 20km of Stellhead S