
Image of Slieve Glah (Cairn(s)) by ryaner

Looking south-west over the disturbed top of the 3 metre tall cairn with Ardkill More hill in the distance.

Image credit: ryaner
Image of Slieve Glah (Cairn(s)) by ryaner

Grass and heather covered cairn in Pollakeel townland on the peak of Slieve Glah.

Image credit: ryaner
Image of Slieve Glah (Cairn(s)) by ryaner

The substantial cairn, surmounted by a trig point, as you first catch sight of it from the approach from the south-east.

Image credit: ryaner



Slieve Glah

This monument is not in the Archaeological Inventory of County Cavan, published in 1995.

This is the entry on

Class: Cairn – burial cairn

Townland: POLLAKEEL (Upper Loughtee By.)

Scheduled for inclusion in the next revision of the RMP: Yes

Description: Located on top of Slieve Glah. A trig. station is constructed on top of a grass-covered cairn (diam. 13m; max. H 3m) that has been partly quarried, but there are indications of a small rectangular cist in its upper surface. It was reported by Michael Gibbons and Jim Higgins.

Compiled by: Michael Moore

Date of upload: 21 May, 2019

Sites within 20km of Slieve Glah