
Deadman’s Burial

Details of henge on Pastscape

The following feature was mapped from good quality air photographs:-
Possible Prehistoric or Roman enclosure, seen as cropmarks. Morphological description: a subcircular enclosure, diameter 8m,
defined by one ditch, with 1 entrance. Centred at:-SP 4261 0806. (Morph No. TG.587.81.2)
This description is based on data from the RCHME MORPH2 database. (1)
The enclosure described by the previous authority is probably a Bronze Age henge. The henge encloses a sub-oval area measuring 10m by 5m, centred at SP 4260 0806. It has opposed, but asymmetric, entrances aligned NW-SE. The henge is situated between the two circuits of a possible Neolithic causewayed enclosure (SP 40 NW 353) The entrances of the henge are on the same alignment as this enclosure perhaps suggesting the henge has been deliberately placed
in relation to the causewayed enclosure.
The henge was planned at 1:2500 scale using computer-aided transcription as part of the Eynsham Project which is part of the Industry and Enclosure in the Neolithic Project. (2) The henge is known as Deadman’s Burial 2. (2a)