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Image of Oxfordshire by Chance

Gold coin produced by the local British tribe – the Artbates in the 1st Century BC.

Evidence of the Vale of the White Horse being a frontier zone comes from the distribution of such coins.

Wantage Museum

Image credit: Artbates in the 1st Century BC


Ashmolean wins the Arts Fund Prize 2010

Ulster Museum came a close second (I’d have been happy to see it win). Even happier that the count has now been checked and verified and the wonderful Ashmolean has actually won.

Many thanks to anyone who voted via the News section on TMA.

EDIT: Tuesday 20th July
Visited the Ashmolean today and was told that although they won the popular vote the prize was actually awarded by the judges to Ulster. No one seemed to mind as the consensus was that the Ulster Museum is brilliant and deserved to win.

Old news really ... but I seemed to have missed it.

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The Ashmolean Transformed

The new Ashmolean Museum in Oxford was opened to the public last weekend 7/8th November.

Today, I had some spare time and as it was wet and windy it was a perfect day to visit. The ground floor is given over to the Ancient World. Unfortunately the European Prehistory room is not ready yet (I was told to give it another month). I spent some time in the ‘Italy before Rome’ room, looking at the Etruscan alphabet among many other things.

A marvellous resource and a beautiful building:

Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology
University of Oxford
Beaumont Street
Oxford OX1 2PH

Tel: 01865 278000

Free admission: Tuesday – Sunday 10am-6pm
Bank Holiday Monday: 10am-6pm
(Closed Monday except BH)

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