
Image of Mont St Michel (Sacred Hill) by postman

If St Michael’s Mount is on here surely Mont St Michel should be too.

Image credit: Chris Bickerton



Mont St Michel
Sacred Hill

According to Celtic mythology, the island was a sea tomb for the souls of the dead.
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A Giant from the legends of King Arthur. This Giant killed and abducted the niece of Brittany, Helena. He took her to his cave in the mountains known as Mont Saint Michel. He had plundered the nearby villages spreading fear among the locals. There was no man or woman who had not fled the land where the Giant dwelled. Hearing this, King Hoel then asked for the help of King Arthur and his knights to kill the Giant. King Arthur ventured with Sir Kay and Sir Bedevere, and two squires. They rode through the deserted forests until they they were within site of Mont Saint Michel. Upon the mountain range they saw two fires burning one to the east and one to the west. King Arthur could not decide which one to investigate first and so he sent Bevidere to the smaller fire. Bevidere journeyed across the rocky terrain and drew his sword when he heard movements. When he came to the fire he met an old woman mourning next to a tomb. She told him that she cried for the death of a girl that she had nursed since childhood who had been killed by the Giant. She told Bevidere to leave this place now before the devilish beast killed them all. Bevidere reported back to King Arthur who decided to travel to the other larger fire alone. King Arthur with sword and shield in hand, approached the Giant in an attempt to catch him off-guard. The Giant lept up immediately and took a club of oak which he put in the fire. The two fought ferociously until King Arthur cut the Giant between his eyebrows. Blinded by blood the Giant thrashed about with his club and eventually caught King Arthur’s arm. The King wrestled free and after exchanging blade against wood, the King thrusted his sword under the Giant’s crocodile skin armour and killed him. He then called for assistance and Sir Kay beheaded the enormous man to prove to the locals that the Giant had been slain.
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Legend says that a mythical giant named Cormoran once lived on the Mount, and he used to wade ashore and steal cows and sheep from the villagers to feed his gargantuan appetite.
One night, a local boy called Jack rowed out to the island and dug a deep pit while the giant was asleep. As the sun rose, Jack blew a horn to wake the angry giant who staggered down from the summit and – blinded by the sunlight – fell into the pit and died.

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In the year 708, the town of Avranches, which is very close to the Mont, was ruled by a bishop named Aubert. One night, Aubert saw the Archangel Saint-Michel in a dream. The Archangel gave him the order to build a place of worship in his honour on the mount lost in shifting sand. Aubert did nothing about it, thinking his imagination had got the better of him. The Archangel grew impatient with him, and when he appeared the third time, he poked a hole in Aubert’s skull to make him believe him. Aubert began to construct the sanctuary in the shape of a cave which could receive hundreds of pilgrims.