Sites within Dalrossach

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Image of Dalrossach (Cairn(s)) by drewbhoy

Looking south eastish to Culquoich, home to three cairns and Frosty Hill .

Image credit: drew/B
Image of Dalrossach (Cairn(s)) by drewbhoy

Looking over the site south west towards Deskry Hill.

Image credit: drew/B



Canmore quite rightly hedge their bets and say this might possibly be a kerb cairn then again it might be a ruined stone circle set on the eastern slopes. There are certainly stones that look like they once stood and there are certainly some kerbs plus loads of cairn material. Sadly it has also received some harsh treatment. However its position keeps alive some of the former glories. Views east and west are of the Don valley, to the south Culquoich and to the north the modern cairn on the summit of Dalrossach. There are some cracking rocks for cup marks etc, I couldn’t find any unfortunately.

I parked at Dalrossach west of Glenkidie on the A97. Opposite the farm entrance is a track that winds up the hill. Fairly steep all the way to the cairn but worth it for the views. Looking for the other cairn I accidentally climbed the hill to the north. Looking all round I discovered that I’d climbed every hill in the area and still there is much to find in what is my favourite hill walking area.

Visited 13/10/2011.

Sites within 20km of Dalrossach