Beyond the mountain ranges across the ancient borders of Gallaecia, but still in an area within her cultural influence, the two magnificent altar stones of Filiel are two massive twin stones with 3 Bronze Age labyrinths each (one of which is also full of cups) just below a tor of epic physical (and spiritual) proportions.
Their position in the middle of nowhere makes these two appear like flat altars looking towards the mountain of Telenus (one solstice sunrise with another peak in the same mountain range has already been spotted).
The stones were only discovered little more than a decade or so ago. The mountain Telenus was considered the ancient god of the area, and a later Romano-native dedication to it has been found, also suggesting possible connections to ancient god Teutates.
The freezing winter cold and the feeling of being watched by roaming wolves is not too evident in the video. The walk in the winter dark back to the nearest road felt endless.