
Image of Trannon circles (Ring Cairn) by postman

Fallen menhir Careg Llwyd can be just made out on the fence line.

Image credit: Chris Bickerton
Image of Trannon circles (Ring Cairn) by postman

looking over both ring cairns to Tyr Gwyn Mawr on the skyline

Image credit: Chris Bickerton


Trannon circles

Whilst not an alignment these two rings can be found between the fallen menhir Careg llwyd and the big cairn Tyr Gwyn Mawr, it’s closer to and visible from the megalith, even the last remnants of an old field wall try to get in on the alignment.
It’s not the only time this morning but both rings are in danger of being swallowed up by the thick green grass that I dont know the name of, only the biggest stones on the cairns outer rim give away theyre position.
Although more delapidated and smaller and down one they reminded me heartily of the tripple cairn of Ravens Tor in the old Peak district, only with much more whooshing sounds from the wind turbines.
From these two rings the big Cairn on the hill glowers down at me suggesting perhaps that I leave alone the poor folk and come up and see the big man..... so I do.

Sites within 20km of Trannon circles