
Image of Llyn Y Tarw (Stone Circle) by postman

These are the two biggest stones in the “circle”

Image credit: Chris Bickerton
Image of Llyn Y Tarw (Stone Circle) by postman

No wonder it wasnt rd-discovered till 1981

Image credit: Chris Bickerton
Image of Llyn Y Tarw (Stone Circle) by postman

This is one of the many cairns that cover the moor, none are marked on’t map. This one is closest to the stone circle

Image credit: Chris Bickerton


Llyn Y Tarw

North of the A470 head towards Carreg hir standing stone which is on the map, pass two lakes on the left, open a gate and follow the rough farm track and park after another gate.
The small lake, llyn y Tarw lies south east on its northern shore is a foopath that goes within metres of this most idle of half hearted stone circles.
I’m not 100% sure I found it, but I was in the right place and I knew what to look for thanks to Cofleins discription::: Stone circle comprising of at least 39 stones set in a ring 19.25m in diameter. The stones are mostly small, measuring on average no more than 0.5m and vary from lying flat within the ground to standing upright to heights of 0.5m :::
I certainly didnt find 39 stones, more like 9, two of which are maybe 10inches high three stones just poke above the surface and four I managed to free from there mossy embrace, the other thirty must be under the grass.
This stone circle wasnt rediscovered till 1981 and if nothing was done to it then, then its very probable that it was the stones I found and in the intervening 27 years its doing its best to get lost again. Gooooo stones !!!
I dont know if it was the shitty weather, the diminutive stones or my passing forty on thursday, but , this may have been my most disatisfactory endeavor to date, most depressing.

Sites within 20km of Llyn Y Tarw