
Image of Liscuis III (Allee-Couverte) by Moth

Wednesday 30 September 2009 Note alleged triangular entrance, possibly the least convincing of the three

Image credit: Tim Clark


Liscuis III

There seems to be much confusion over which of the three Liscuis Allee Couvertes is which. Different sources call different monuments I, II & III. We have followed what seems to be the standard French numbering.

Pierre-Roland Giot, for example, calls this Liscuis III in ‘La Bretagne des Megalithes’, whereas Aubrey Burl seems to refer to it as Liscuis I.

Access: The nearest place to park is on a minor road to the north of the monuments just south of the N164. Once on this road, look out for a parking place by small christian monument on the north of the lane through trees. There is a track opposite, heading south – uphill. (There is also a map of the area here, though it doesn’t show the allee couvertes as far as we could tell.)

The track is reasonably steep for some distance but levels out and the path around the three monuments is pretty easy. I’d guess the whole round trip including all three monuments is around 2km, tops.

I’d advise continuing on the path until around the top of the hill where there is a track to the right with an infoboard.

Then follow this path past all three monuments (keeping right to follow a clockwise circuit). From Googlemaps it looks like you could do the circuit the other way round, but I think the turning would be harder to spot that way.

Visited Wednesday 30 September 2009
The middle of the Liscuis trio we saw is less overgrown than the other two, though more so than in some photos I’ve seen.

It is the most complete and impressive of the three and occupies a dominant position on a ridge at the crest of the hill.

Very nice monument, again constructed of the local schist (according to Burl). Like the other Liscuis monuments it has an small triangular original entrance to its passage. To me it is less convincingly an entrance than at Liscuis I as the stone that forms it is less a complete transverse & more of ‘a stone at an angle’!

Sites within 20km of Liscuis III