Monday 28 September 2009
Monday 28 September 2009
Monday 28 September 2009
Access: Pretty easy. You can park on the road down to the coast. You can see it from there & it’s an extremely short walk across bedrock & brushy grass.
Visited Monday 28 September 2009
I first saw this one in June 1999 & knew it was worth seeing again. I was also pretty sure that it was spectacular enough to overcome Jane’s ‘menhir fatigue’.
I was right! It was way taller than I remembered & Jane loved it, plus I noticed Le Ruen V-shaped passage grave just on the other side of the road where we parked!
This handsome beast is six metres tall (although it seems taller) and standing, somehow, among flat bedrock outcrops. We could get right up to it, and today it was glowing warm with sunshine. It’s an absolute beauty, really chunky and thick. It feels sooo heavy. How they hell they cut it, moved it and raised it I can’t imagine. Nearby on some of the outcrops are cup marks.