
Image of Bolton Hill (Bullaun Stone) by ryaner

There are 2 bullauns close to each other here. If you face the inn, they’re over the wall to the left of the bar entrance.

Image credit: ryaner


Bolton Hill

There are 4 bullaun stones in the vicinity of the Moone High Cross Inn that I could find (there may be more), 3 singles and a double. We’d stopped here for a spot of lunch and when I spotted the rough-hewn boulder outside the bar I thought; it couldn’t be – a bullaun stone being used as an ashtray!
On further investigation I encountered the other three around the pub amongst various modern stone circles and follies. I asked the landlady where the bullauns had come from and she said that her husband had dug them out of a wall under the road outside the inn.
These are not on and I’ve never come across any mention of them elsewhere. Strange.

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