
Image of Kerguntuil Dolmen by Moth

Wednesday 13 April 2005 Remaining cairn material, presumably, though with this Quasimodo of dolmens, who can tell....

Image credit: Tim Clark
Image of Kerguntuil Dolmen by postman

From the road side

Image credit: Chris Bickerton
Image of Kerguntuil Dolmen by Jane

You can see the neighbouring allee couverte in the top right corner of this pic.

Image credit: Moth Clark
Image of Kerguntuil Dolmen by Kammer

Taken Summer 1996: The dolmen with me standing next to it.

Image credit: Louise Marshall


Kerguntuil Dolmen

There are two monuments in the same field at Kerguntuil and they proved harder to find than I thought due to sh*tty, ambiguous roadsigns and an inadequately scaled map. I got very cross. Finally, as we located them, a pair of jays swooped down in front of us.

Kerguntuil dolmen is less of a dolmen and more of a large stone room at the roadside.

It was so tall inside that I could only just reach up and touch the *whopping* capstone. It has been shored up with walling on one side for stability. You get the impression it has been used for centuries as an animal shelter. Well, wouldn’t you? On the other side of the field, crouching now as part of a field wall is the Kerguntuil allée couverte.

Sites within 20km of Kerguntuil Dolmen