Hill Figure
Ravilious's White Horse in latest Tate Britain show Writing in the Observer today, Laura Cumming reports on the Watercolour exhibition now showing at Tate Britain and running until the 21 August.
The exhibition includes a watercolour of The Vale of the White Horse (circa 1939) by Eric Ravilious. Something, "...conjured entirely out of cross-hatchings, strokes, dabs and striations of faint colour, frail contour against pale line, with the white page breathing airily in between, is almost nothing, a see-through dream. But it is uniquely strange, starting in reality and ending in its own radiant elsewhere."
More here - http://www.guardian.co.uk/artanddesign/2011/feb/20/watercolour-tate-britain-review-cumming
Posted by Littlestone
20th February 2011ce
Edited 20th February 2011ce