Description: Discovered during the removal of the outer bank of church site (WA024-033001-) at N in 1868 (Williams 1868-9). Rectangular chamber (dims. 3.35m x 1.5m; H at discovery 1.2m) with orthostatic walls and roofed with eight lintels. Ten ogham stones (WA024-033006- to WA024-033015-), which were utilised as lintels and sidestones, are preserved at the site.
The inscriptions have been read by Macalister (1945, vol. 1, 267-77) as: 1, MANU MAGUNO GATI MOCOI MACORBO; 2, CALUNOVIC[A] MAQI MUCOI LIT[ENI]; 3, MAQI-INI[...MAQI QE]TTEAS; 4, CUNALEGEA MAQI C[...]SALAR CELI AVI QVECI; 5, BIGU MAQI LAG [...]; 6, BIR MAQI MUCOI ROTTIS; 7, ...] MAQI NE[TACUN]AS; 8, DENAVEC[A MU]COI MEDALO; 9, BRO[INION]AS; 10, SOVALINI/ DEAGOS MAQI MUCO[I...]NAI. (Brash 1866-9; Rhys 1899; Kirwan 1985; 1987; Harbison 1992, 325)
The above description is derived from the published ‘Archaeological Inventory of County Waterford’ (Dublin: Stationery Office, 1999). In certain instances the entries have been revised and updated in the light of recent research.
Compiled by: Michael Moore.
Date of upload/revision: 9th May, 2011.
This monument is subject to a preservation order made under the National Monuments Acts 1930 to 2014 (PO no. 12/1933).
1. Brash, R.R. 1868-9 On the Seskinan ogham inscriptions. County of Waterford. Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland 10, 118-30.
2. Harbison, P. 1992 The high crosses of Ireland: an iconographical and photographic survey, 3 vols. Dublin. Royal Irish Academy. Bonn. Dr. Rudolf Habelt GMBH.
3. Kirwan, E.M. 1985 The ogham stones at Drumlohan reconsidered. Decies, no. 29, 6-12.
4. Kirwan, E.M. 1987 Drumlohan: a survey of its antiquities. Decies, no. 35, 33-40.
5. Macalister, R.A.S. 1945 Corpus inscriptionum insularum celticarum. Dublin. Stationery Office.
6. Rhys, P. 1899 The Drumloghan ogams. Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland 29, 390-403.
7. Williams, W. 1868-9 On an ogham chamber at Drumloghan, in the County of Waterford. Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland 10, 35-9.