
Signs. Spring Equinox at Mitchell’s Fold.

I don’t like winter, that’s not strictly true, what I really don’t like is being cold, it hurts. So I am pretty eager for signs that we’re moving back to the good times of warmth and light, signs like snowdrops and crocuses, the day being light when i’m going work, signs like the spring equinox. Which is today, so i’m going out to see some stones and take a look at what the sky is up to. Though I can probably guess.

So, where to go, it needs to be quite close, so Callanish is out, i’m old and knackered so it shouldn’t be hard to get to, so Bryn Cader Faner is out. How about the Bull stones on the edge of the Peak district, too small.

Mitchell’s Fold? It’s been eleven years since last time. Done.

It’s closer than you think, to my house, I got there with time to spare, which is quite unusual. But I was going to need that extra time, because

it had been snowing a day or two ago, heavily, in places I had to wade through two foot deep snow drifts. Seeing other places in winter makes me see just how strangely weather free home is, it snows, for sure, but it’s only just a mild inconvenience, it doesn’t close roads.

After much heaving and sighing I arrive at the circle, first thing to do is remove the wads of snow from inside my not good new boots, second, breath heavily on my stinging cold fingers til there warm enough to handle the camera. Third, do photography.

The equinox sun looked to be rising from behind the Stiperstones, a rocky cairn topped ridge of ankle breaking renown, about six kilometers distant.

I say looked to be, cloud, which had been absent my whole drive here had come out of no where to obscure the magic moment of sun rise. There was just a thin sliver of sky protruding through the grime close to the ground, enough to see where the sun would be if all was perfect. It’s not even close.

If it’s been eleven years since I’ve been here, the same must be true of the Hoarstones stone circle as well. So I march off in the direction of Stapeley hill, it was easier last time as I had a mountain bike, this was likely to take longer.

I passed the Dead cow stone not seeing it, as I was talking to the sheep, they chose to ignore me.

Reaching the top of Stapeley hill wasn’t easy, long deep snow drifts had to be navigated like some cruel Labyrinth, or waded through, flipping snow, is it really necessary ?

Stapeley hill has two rocky peaks, with superior views, hanging between the two on a shallow ridge was something I wasn’t expecting, kind of. I’d seen pictures of it, but hadn’t appreciated where it was, a nice little ring cairn, it was here ! cooooool, if this ring cairn was on twitter, I’d have like it. What ever that means.

New boots are beginning to hurt, just above the ankle, it must be time to walk further away from the car, course it is.

Like I said, it’s been a while since I was last here, so I decide to come down off the hill too early and start searching for a stone circle that isn’t there, deep snow, hidden holes, hidden streams, all impeded progress, I was just about to give up when a van came close by, I went over, he stopped, we talked. It’s not here, it’s on the other side of the forest commission bit, over there, he pointed, up and over.

He gave me directions, but my man mind can only hold half of all directions, I set off again.

Somewhere in the forest I got distracted following animal footprints in the snow, and went wrong. Nothing was making sense, I stupidly left the map in the car, but am fairly sure I’ve just gone off the top of it, so it’s useless anyway. I’m now poking about around a house called Hillcrest near castle ring hill fort, another man helps with directions, it’s over there, holds out both arms and indicates it’s between them, over there somewhere. It’s looking a bit grim now, I’ve warmed up, but lost a stone circle, it was much easier last time. Next is a long walk along the road rounding the Hemford corner and heading back to the A 488. I have by now given up, even the sight of four Roe deer doe’s doesn’t fill me with positivity, I do photography and walk on, painfully, some walking boots aren’t really made for walking.

Back on the main road I spot a footpath that goes in the direction of back up Stapeley hill, I take it. Immediately I recognise this place, I believe I am now close to the circle, at one point I peer across the snowy moor, but see nothing and give up once more, I shouldn’t have, it was there, I looked right at it but didn’t see it.

Grumped out, I stomp back up and around Stapeley hill, blundering haplessly upon the Dead Cow stone, at least I managed to find that, by accident.

I pause at Mitchell’s fold and try and get the scant blue sky into a stoney picture or three. And go.

But I couldn’t let it go for long, after wading back through the snow I get in the car and look at the map, oh, there it is, kind of exactly where both my local helpers said it was, I drive back to that same footpath off the A488, ditch the car angrily by the side of the road, don my wellies and wade through ankle deep freezing mud and shite across two fields and there it is. Then I went snow blind.

The sun had decided to show itself, the snow seemed to glow thumpingly, hitting my eyes with some considerable vigour.

I had to shield my eyes from the worst of the glare whilst I took some photos, then I sat on the edge of the circle upon a flat topped stone and closed my eyes, with some relief.

After the sun had gone back in I inspected the stones more closely, well, I say closely, I mean I didn’t fall over them.

Two holes have been drilled into one of the remaining stones, some say they could be ancient but the loss of over half the ring suggests a more explosive reason.

A central stone, there’s one of them at the Bull stones on the edge of the Peak district, I wonder if the sun put in an appearance there, I imagine it would have been life changing.

Time to go, I agree with the devil on my shoulder and trespass wildly in order to take a more direct mud and shite free route back to the car.




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