
The way to both totem tombs is now very well signed, but if you take your eye too long off the piece of road they mass at you’ll hit a low bump. There is plenty of construction going on at Banks, where there will be a Tomb of the Otter visitor’s centre to complement that for Ronnie’s Tomb of the Eagles (have heard no news of Wedgie’s survey of that landscape). Hamish has put a weatherproof cover over the present tomb entrance and will be installing a low-level lighting system to help folk. To the south you can see a wartime lookout station [watch your step going that way or you can walk around the coast from nearby Burwick], and here there are several small burial mounds with large stones exposed (Hamish can point out several pieces of interest to prehistorians above the tomb if you don’t want to go that far) – unfortunately being with a part I did not get time for photos and the Burwick bus is only for ferry passengers.