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Uffington White Horse

Hill Figure


Twice I've been to the Uffington White Horse(, and I will go back some more, I can tell you that! The steep valley below is called a coombe, and I've no doubt that there is a reason for Dragon Hill to be the best place to view it. Does that make the 'Horse' a dragon? Who knowns! That small hillock is dedicated to St Michael (who slew a dragon), so many say it does. Whatever, the site has everything for all kinds of theories. It's on the Ridgeway, which may have been guarded by the hillfort. It may have been a border-marker of the Celtic Atrebates tribe. It may even have been a monument to King Alfred beating the Danes around here...

The views must have been the prime reason, though..
Vortigern Posted by Vortigern
20th June 2001ce
Edited 29th March 2005ce

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