About two miles from Colurrian is the fine and picturesque granite hill, Trecrobben, from the top of which are perhaps seen the most extensive views of the country to be met with in any spot in the whole district [...] The entrance into this enclosure from the Hayle side is in a tolerably perfect state, being nearly twenty feet wide, with large upright blocks of granite at the inner corners. Opposite to this, on the other side, is another entrance of a similar character. The large vallum does not form a perfect circle, but is turned out of its regular course in order to unite it with two carns, between which was another entrance nearly opposite Trink hill, and which we may call the principal gateway. On the largest of these carns are some rock-basons, known respectively as the Giant’s Chair, the Giant’s Cradle, and the Giant’s Spoon.
[...] Outside the vallum at Trecrobben, or, as it is called by the rustics, Trancrom, is the Giant’s Well; and on the fourth side of the hill is a large block of granite, known as the Twelve o’ Clock Stone, – a sort of natural sun-dial, on which the rays of the sun fall in such a manner, that the miners of the neighbourhood can tell the hour of noon by the direction of the shadows. There is another stone so called on the brow of Trink hill. About half-a-mile from Trecrobben hill, at Beersheba, is a large stone known in the neighbourhood as the Giant’s Bowl.
From Rambles in Western Cornwall by the footsteps of the giants by J O Halliwell (1861).